Dear Editor-in-Chief

Suicide and suicide attempts are significant global public health challenge. Among the most common means of suicide worldwide are pesticide self-poisoning, hanging and firearm use. Regarding methods of suicide, studies have identified strong association between suicidal behavior and mental disorders –especially depression and alcohol use disorders. Further, many suicide cases happen spontaneously due to inabilities to handle life stress which emerge from financial difficulties, break-ups from relationships, chronic pain and illness or loss.

The health threat posed by suicide remains wide and severe – almost 800000 people die by suicide and many more attempts every year globally – remaining the second leading cause of death among 15–29-year-olds – majority (about 78%) occurring in low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). In Ghana, about 1500 suicide cases are reported annually, and in each reported case of suicide are four unreported cases, summing the number of unreported cases to almost 6000 yearly.


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