Abstract Newly emerged SARS-CoV-2 virus has been identified in China since 2019 and is still progressing as a tense threat to the human health worldwide. This virus can cause an acute respiratory infection in its […]
Background A significant proportion of cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality could be prevented via the population-based and cost-effective interventions. A fixed-dose combination treatment is known as the polypill for the primary and secondary prevention […]
Objectives This study aimed to identify different criteria for priority setting of rare diseases to help policy makers in making evidence-informed decisions. Methods A scoping review was conducted to comprehensively examine the existing various methods […]
Background Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) can be adapted to local conditions to prevent any resources from being wasted. Adaptation of CPGs implies a systematic view of developed guidelines through maintaining evidence-based principles in order to […]
Background Oral public health services are included in primary healthcare. Although oral diseases are preventable, improving oral health has become a concern in many countries. Evidence shows that functioning insurance coverage can significantly increase the […]
Abstract Climate extreme events have threatened food security and the second Sustainable development goals (SDGs) “zero hunger” both directly via agricultural food loss and indirectly through rising food prices. We systematically searched and used a […]
Abstract Food security and climate change are multidimensional issues. Therefore, a lack of knowledge about the most essential variables made these concepts more complex for decision-making and highlighted the need for credible decision support methods. […]
Background Social determinants have a significant impact on children’s development and their abilities and capacities, especially in early childhood. They can bring about inequity in living conditions of children and, as a result, lead to […]
برای دانلود فایل ارائه شده کلیک کنید در بخشی از این سخنرانی دکتر منتظری می‌گوید: مطالعه‌ای که توسط آکادمی ملی پزشکی – که یک مطالعه‌ی بسیار خوب و با تعداد قابل‌توجهی از نمونه‌هاست – بیان […]
Background Health policy can be defined as an agreement and consensus on a health-related program and set of actions taken to achieve the goals expected by programs in the area of policy. Policy analysis involves […]