Abstract Objective: Iran is one of the main hosts of Afghan refugees. This study aims to provide comprehensive evidence to increase Afghan migrants’ access to healthcare services in Iran. Methods: To assess the health system’s response to […]
شورای آینده نگاری و نظریه پردازی سلامت فرهنگستان علوم پزشکی برگزار میکند جلسه شورای آینده نگاری و نظریه پردازی سلامت فرهنگستان علوم پزشکی، موضوع: پیوست عدالت در سلامت در طرح های کشوری*  🕗 *پنج شنبه […]
Abstract Health technology assessment (HTA) is a comprehensive and structured evaluation that aims to analyze the potential impacts of health technologies, including medical devices, diagnostic tools, pharmaceuticals, and public health interventions. Its purpose is to […]
Abstract Background Health systems need to prioritize their services, ensuring efficiency and equitable health provision allocation and access. Alongside, health technology assessment (HTA) seeks to systematically evaluate various aspects of health technologies to be used […]
Abstract Integration between different components of the food system would foster achieving food and nutrition security as a key pillar of sustainable development. Significant improvement has been made in the field of food and nutrition […]
Abstract Context: Health systems’ main mission is to improve society’s well-being and fulfill their health needs. Objectives: This study aimed to describe the intrinsic and extrinsic events that had influenced Iran’s health system over the previous decade, […]
Abstract Objectives This study aimed to determine the opportunities of and barriers to communicable diseases surveillance system (CDSS) during the COVID-19 pandemic and the extent to which the disease integrated into the CDSS in the […]
Abstract We conducted this study to rank conflict of interest (COI) actors in Iran’s health system. Based on a review of relevant literature, we extracted a list of 27 actors within seven categories who play […]